T4MO Copying Lathe with 4 Horizontal Spindles

The T4MO Copying Lathe is a specialized woodworking machine equipped with four horizontal spindles. It is designed to reproduce wood elements by copying the shape from a three-dimensional template. This lathe is ideal for creating precision wood components such as chair parts, furniture elements, rifle stocks, oars, tool handles, anatomical sandals, hangers, sports equipment, and musical instruments. Its advanced copying mechanism ensures accuracy, making it a versatile tool for a wide range of wood machining applications.



Precise Reproduction

The T4MO lathe excels in reproducing complex wood shapes with high precision, using a 3D template to ensure accuracy and consistency across multiple pieces.

Versatile Applications

The machine can create various wood components, including furniture parts, tool handles, sports equipment, and musical instruments, making it ideal for manufacturers serving diverse industries.

Multiple Spindles for Efficiency

With four horizontal spindles, the machine can produce multiple identical components simultaneously, significantly increasing productivity.

Powerful Motor

The 11 kW motor provides the necessary power for demanding milling tasks, allowing the machine to handle a wide variety of hardwoods and other materials.

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